无条件极值 定义 12.6.1 设 D n ∈R 为开区域, f x)( 为定义在 D 上的函数, 0 x ),,,( 002 01 n = \ xxx ∈D。若存在 0 x 的邻域 ),( 0 x rO ,使得 )),()(()()( 0 0 ≥ 或 ≤ ffff xxxx x ∈ ),( 0 x rO , 则称 0 x 为 f 的极大值点(或极小值点);相应地,称 )( 0 f x 为相应的极 大值(或极小值);极大值点与极小值点统称为极值点,极大值与极 小值统称为极值
1. D: Interpretation of Entropy on the Microscopic Scale- The Connection between Randomness and entropy 1. D I Entropy Change in Mixing of Two ldeal gases Consider an insulated rigid container of gas separated into two halves by a heat conducting partition so the temperature of the gas in each part is the same. One side contains air, the other side another gas, say argon, both regarded as ideal gases. The mass of gas in each side is such
链式规则 设 = yxyxfz ),(),,( ∈ Df 是区域Df ⊂ 2 R 上的二元函数,而 : g g D → 2 R , 6 vuyvuxvu )),(),,((),( 是区域Dg ⊂ 2 R 上的二元二维向量值函数。如果 g 的值域 g D( ) g ⊂ Df , 那么可以构造复合函数 = fz D g = vuvuyvuxf ),()],,(),,([ ∈ Dg