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Definition PEM is manifested primarily by inadequate dietary intakes of protein and energy. PEM is almost always accompanied by deficiencies of other nutrient. PEM can be divided as primary PEM and secondary PEM
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Notes LECTURE Biochemistry 9.17.04 ATP is both a unit of energy currency in a cell and a building block of RNA. Why? It is believed that early in evolution there were very few molecules around. Many key pathways are ancient, and trace their origin to the early stages of evolution of life on Earth. Incidentally, such pathways are usually highly conserved in modern organisms. This is probably because once
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晶体中粒子的结合力和结合能(Universal Feature of Combining Force Combining Energy) 一、什么叫晶体? 通过结晶过程形成的具有规则几何外形 的固体叫晶体。 晶体中的微粒按一定的规则排列
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Electrical Potential Ener and Electric Potentia 17.1 Electrical potential energy and electric potential 1. Electric force is conservative force Coulomb's force:
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Nutrition Basal matabolism Maintain basic physiologic activity Energy Special motility for food digestion peristalsis infant 7%-8% digestion absorption elder children 5%
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Weather derivatives: Definitions Heating degree days (HDD): For each day this is max(o, 65-4)where a is the average of the highest and lowest temperature in°F Cooling Degree Days(CDD): For each day this is max( o, A-65)
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Temperature: measure of the motion of the individual atoms and molecules in a gas liquid or solid related to average kinetic energy of constituents High temperature: constituents are moving around energetically
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New Words dedicate:give, devote(one's time, energy, life, etc. to a noble cause or purpose If you dedicate yourself to something you decide to give a lot of time and effort to it because you think it is important
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Similar to Viruses Atypical Agents Small Filterable Need host cells No machinery for energy generation of protein synthesis
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Thermal Sciences and Mechanical Engineering Sections 1 Introduction, 2. The Concept of Temperature 3. Heat Transfer 4. Thermodynamics, 5. Thermal Deformation, 6. Heat Treatment 7. Energy and Environment, 8 Summary Objectives
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