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Chapter 1 Introduction to Computers and C++ Programming Chapter 2 C++ Basics Chapter 3 More Flow of Control Chapter 4 Procedural Abstraction and Functions That Return a Value Chapter 5 Functions for All Subtasks Chapter 6 I/O Streams as an Introduction to Objects and Classes Chapter 7 Arrays Chapter 8 Strings and Vectors Chapter 9 Pointers and Dynamic Arrays Chapter 10 Defining Classes Chapter 11 Friends, Overloaded Operators, and Arrays in Classes Chapter 12 Separate Compilation and Namespaces Chapter 13 Pointers and Linked Lists Chapter 14 Recursion Chapter 15 Inheritance Chapter 16 Exception Handling Chapter 17 Templates Chapter 18 Standard Template Library Appendices 1 C++ Keywords 2 Precedence of Operators 3 The ASCII Character Set 4 Some Library Functions 5 Inline Functions 6 Overloading the Array Index Square Brackets 7 The this Pointer 8 Overloading Operators as Member
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应用配有能谱仪的场发射扫描电镜分析了A105钢中裂纹处及基体内残余元素Cu、As和Sn以及P含量.应用Thermo-Calc热力学计算软件计算了A105钢的主要析出相以及钢液中P含量随固相质量分数变化关系.应用Gleeble 1500热模拟试验机对A105钢的高温热塑性进行了研究.发现P偏析是该钢产生横裂的主要原因,残余元素Cu、As和Sn在晶界的偏聚加剧了裂纹的形成,矫直温度偏低加速了裂纹的扩展,而裂纹的形成可能与AlN的析出无关,因为析出的AlN很少
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采用真空熔炼法, 经急冷和缓冷两种不同冷却条件制备了Te系化合物TeAsGeSi合金粉体.通过X射线衍射分析, 急冷工艺制备粉体呈非晶态, 缓冷工艺制备的粉体呈晶态, 结晶主相为R-3m空间群的As2GeTe4; 差热-热重分析显示, 升温至350℃时缓冷粉体As2GeTe4成分熔融, 400℃时两种粉体均开始快速失重, 为避免制备过程中发生材料熔融及挥发损失, 确定烧结温度不超过340℃.采用真空热压法制备TeAsGeSi合金靶材, 将两种粉体分别升温至340℃, 加压20 MPa, 保温2 h制备出两种靶材, 其中缓冷粉体制备的靶材致密度高, 为5. 46 g·cm-3, 达混合理论密度的99. 5%, 形貌表征显示此靶材表面平整, 孔洞少, 元素分布均匀
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Idiom, as a linguistic phenomenon, can be regarded as the most special part of language, and they are heavily culture￾loaded. Because of those culture differences, idioms become one of the greatest barriers for cross-culture communication
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Introduction ◼ Why TOF ◼ Options of TOF MRPC as TOF ◼ Working mechanism ◼ Simulation & design ◼ Major parameters ◼ MRPC based TOF tray Results & Conclusions
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• Definition • Tutte’s barycentric mapping • Least squares conformal maps(LSCM, ASAP) • Angle-Based Flattening (ABF) • ABF++, LABF • As-rigid-as-possible (ARAP) • Simplex Assembly
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We study the di-photon rate in Higgs decays within singlet extensions of the supersymmetric standard model. In particular we point out that light charginos as well as a light charged Higgs can significantly contribute to the corresponding partial decay width, allowing for an explanation of the experimental indication whithin a natural supersymmetric model. This is in contrast to the ‘light stau scenario’ proposed within the framework of the MSSM which requires a large amount of electroweak fine tuning
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We theoretically study the dynamics of a pair of coupled pendulums subject to a peri￾odic temporal modulation of their oscillation frequency. Inspired from analogous developments in quantum mechanics, we anticipate dynamical localization and dynamical isolation effects, as well as the occurrence of non-trivial coupling phases. Perspectives in the direction of studying synthetic gauge fields in a classical mechanics context are outlined
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arboxylic acids, compounds of the type RCOH, constitute one of the most fre- quently encountered classes of organic compounds Countless natural products are carboxylic acids or are derived from them. Some carboxylic acids, such as acetic acid, have been known for centuries. Others, such as the prostaglandins, which are pow erful regulators of numerous biological processes remained unknown until relatively
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Product development has been a major activity in the food industry for over 40 years, but only gradually has it developed as a strategic business area and also as an advanced technology. For a long time it was essentially a craft, loosely related to the research and engineering areas in the company. The pressures for product development came very strongly from the needs of the growing supermarkets for a constantly changing, extensive mix of products and for continuous price promotions. So there was the drive for product difference
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