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Based on the experimental results and analysis of the cyclic deformation, there is an obvious yield stage on the cyclic stress-strain curve at the stage of small plastic deformation (in room or low temperatures). This phenomenon is similar to that of monotonic tensile curve case. But for the former the deformation amount at which the yield begins is much smaller than that for the latter. The cyclic stress-strain constitutive relation needs to be further studied according to the actual cyclic stress-strain curve. The conventional constitutive equation σ=Aεn is based on the results only corresponding to the cyclic strengthening stage. It is not appropriate for the stage of the small plastic deformation and the stage of yield
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重庆大学:《金属材料的力学行为 mechanical behavior of metallic materials》PPT教学课件(2/2,彭晓东,附听课备注)
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四川外语学院:《科技翻译》课程教学资源_week 6_Nuclear Materials-2
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四川外语学院:《科技翻译》课程教学资源_week 2_科技翻译作业1:Nuclear Materials
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复旦大学:《材料物理——材料力学 Mechanics of materials》教学课件_第十一章 材料力学在微结构中的应用——柔性薄膜材料
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4.1 计算材料学背景 4.2 原子尺度模拟方法 4.3 从薛定谔方程到密度泛函理论 4.4 力学性质的第一原理计算
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