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8.1财务会计报告概述 8.2资产负债表 8.3利润表 8.4现金流量表
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第7章编制报表前的准备工作 7.1期末账项调整 7.2结账 7.3财产清查
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第4章会计凭证 4,1会计凭证概述 4,2原始凭证 4,3记账凭证 4.4记账凭证的传递和保管
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Classical Multiple linear regression model (CMLRM): 1. model 2. random sample
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Imperfect Competition Imperfect competition refers to those market structures that fall between perfect competition and pure monopoly. Imperfect competition includes industries in which firms have competitors but do not face so much competition that they are price takers
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Monopoly While a competitive firm is a price taker, amonopoly firm is a price maker. A firm is considered a monopoly if . . . – it is the sole seller of its product. – its product does not have close substitutes
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The Meaning of Competition A perfectly competitive market has the following characteristics: – There are many buyers and sellers in themarket
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The Law of Supply Firms are willing to produce and sell agreater quantity of a good when the priceof the good is higher. This results in a supply curve that slopesupward
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“The best things in life are free. . .” Free goods provide a special challenge foreconomic analysis Most goods in our economy are allocatedin markets… for these goods, prices are the signalsthat guide the decisions of buyers andsellers
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Market Efficiency-Market Failure Recall that: Adam Smith’s “invisible hand” of the marketplace leads self-interested buyers and sellers in a market to maximize the total benefit that society can derive from a market
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