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Chapter 33 Early Quantum Theory and Models of the Atom 1. Planck's Quantum Hypothesis 2. The Photoelectric Effect 3. Compton Effect 4. Wave Nature of Matter
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7-1恒定电流 一、电流电流密度 电流:通过截面S的电荷随时间的
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作业1A质点运动的描述 1A-1.已知质点的运动学方程F=x(t)i+y(t)j=t2i+(2t+6)j(单位:m)求: (1)质点运动轨迹方程; (2)t=1s时,质点的速度和加速度(指明大小、方向)
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Oxide Oxide Metallization Contact processing techniques that are similar to those of today's VLSI circuits, although the device geometry, voltage and current ntSource
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Chapter 30 The Wave Nature of Light, Interference 1 Huygens'principle 2 Refraction 3 Young's Double-slit Experimentinterference 4 Intensity in the Double-slit Interference Pattern 5 Interference in Thin Films 6 Michelson Interferometer
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Chapter 26 Sources of Magnetic Field 1. Biot-savart's law 2. Magnetic Flux and Gauss'Law 3 Amperes Law 4. Magnetic Materials
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Chapter 34Quantum Mechanics 1. Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle 2. Schrodinger's Equation
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Chapter 19 Electric Charge and Electric Field 1. Static Electricity; Electric Charge and Its Conservation; Insulators and Conductors; Induced Charge 2. Coulomb's Law 3. The Electric Field and its Calculations 4. Electric Field and Conductors 5. Electric Dipoles
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如果曲面由方程z=z(x,y)给出,则有 Dxy 简要证明: 已知(△S)=(△),其中当cosy>0(C取上侧)时取正号, 当cosy0(取下侧)时取负号 又当(,np)是上的一点时,有5=(5,n)因此有
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简要证明仅就uvn(n=1,2,…)的情形证明 设级数v收敛,其和为,则级数un的部分和 S=u1+u2++unv1+v2+…+vno(n=1,2,), 即部分和数列{sn}有界.因此级数un收敛 反之,若级数un发散,则级数∑v,必发散.这是因为如果 级数∑v收敛,由已证结论,级数un也收敛,矛盾
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