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一、 组合逻辑电路设计 二、时序逻辑电路设计
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68.1Introduction 68.2 Early Analysis Programs Load Flow (Power Flow). Fault Analysis. Transient Stability. Fast Transients. Reliability. Economic Dispatch and Unit Commitment 68.3 The Second Generation of Programs Graphics Protection Other Uses for Load Flow Analysis
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一、高频放大器的作用与分类 高频放大器的作用:放大高频信号
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6.1 振幅调制 6.2 调幅信号的解调 6.3 混频 6.4 混频器的干扰 思考题与习题
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67.1 Introduction 67.2 Power System Data Acquisition and Control 67.3 Automatic Generation Control Load Frequency Control. Economic Dispatch.Reserve K. Neil Stanton Monitoring. Interchange Transaction Scheduling Stanton Associates
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65.1 Introduction 65.2 Primary Distribution System 65.3 Secondary Distribution System 65.4 Radial Distribution System 65.5 Secondary Networks 65.6 Load Characteristics George G. Karady
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64.1 Transformer Construction The Transformer Core. Core and Shell Types. Transformer windings. Taps 64.2 Power Transformer Modeling The Three-Winding Ideal Transformer Equivalent Circuit. A Practical Three-Winding Transformer Equivalent Circuit. The
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63.1 Power System Analysis Introduction Types of Power System Analyses The Power Flow Problem. Formulation of the Bus Admittance Matrix.Example L.L. Grigsby and Formulation of the Power Flow Equations. P-V Buses.Bus
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