Reasons for simulation being underutilized • Simulation modeling is a time-consuming and knowledge/information intense process • Most models developed are customized “rigid” models that cannot be reused or easily adapted to other even similar problems (Arons 1999, 2000; Zhou 2004) • Conceptual modeling is a critical step that directly affects the quality and efficiency of simulation projects, but hardly supported with current technology, and still a very difficult and ad-hoc process that depends on the skill and experience of individual modelers (Mclean, 2001; Robinson, 2004)
Reasons for simulation being underutilized • Simulation modeling is a time-consuming and knowledge/information intense process • Most models developed are customized “rigid” models that cannot be reused or easily adapted to other even similar problems (Arons 1999, 2000; Zhou 2004) • Conceptual modeling is a critical step that directly affects the quality and efficiency of simulation projects, but hardly supported with current technology, and still a very difficult and ad-hoc process that depends on the skill and experience of individual modelers (Mclean, 2001; Robinson, 2004)
应用Fluent软件对密相干塔模拟仿真,研究了烟气整流系统和链式搅拌器对烟气流场和湍流、循环灰轨迹及系统压力损失的影响,并在模拟工况下确定了烟气整流系统较优导流板布置形式.研究结果表明,链式搅拌器能够显著增大塔内附近区域的湍动能,提高转速不能明显提高整体烟气湍流强度,双层链式搅拌器可以增大高湍流强度区且减缓其衰减速度,该工况下安装双层链式搅拌器,转速为100 r·min-1较为理想,此时密相干塔能够实现烟气均布和气固充分接触,大部分颗粒参与内循环,少部分进入除尘器,系统压损约为200 Pa