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指针(Pointer)是C++和C的一 种数据类型。很多其他高级语言 也有类似的数据类型。引用 (Reference)则是C+所特有的 一种数据类型。指针和引用在概 念上和使用上都有相似之处,但 是也有重要的差别
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程序设计的要求之一就是程序的健 壮性。希望程序在运行时能够不出 或者少出问题。但是,在程序的实 际运行时,总会有一些因素会导致 程序不能正常运行。异常处理 (Exception Handling)就是要提 出或者是研究一种机制,能够较好 的处理程序不能正常运行的问题
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:178KB 文档页数:34
为面向对象的四大特性。通过前面的学习,对前两个特性有 了一定程度的理解,本章将继续探讨后两个特性,即继承性 和多态性。 ◼类的继承; ◼类成员的隐藏与重载; ◼多态性; ◼Object类和 Class类; ◼抽象类与接口; ◼对象克隆; ◼对象转型和类的设计原则
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1. first listen to and then talk about environmental problems 2. read about an interview of a group of exports on environmental problems 3. write about what we should do to protect our Earth 4. practice reading skills: word attack strategies 5. practice translating skills: extension 6. learn and practice sentence functions 7. learn how to write a letter of invitation to an symposium, forum or conference 8. visit Culture Salon about our environment
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1. First listen to and then talk about cloning issues 2. Read about the ethical issue of cloning 3. Write about why cloning should or should not be banned 4. Practice reading skills: propositional meaning 5. Practice translating skills: conversion 6. Learn and practice paragraph development by space 7. Learn to write a call for papers 8. Visit Culture Salon about the history and method of cloning
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1) To listen to and then talk about business successes 2) To read about brand names 3) To write about a brand-name product 4) To practice reading skills: conceptual meaning 5) To learn and practice paragraph development by process 6) To practice Translating skills: Omission 7) To Learn to write advertisements 8) To visit Culture Salon about brand-name products
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1. Listen and talk about travel 2. Read about what can be learnt from traveling 3. Write an introduction to your home town 4. Practice reading skills: pragmatic meaning 5. Practice translating skills: synthesis 6. Learn and practice paragraph development by comparison and contrast 7. Learn to write a trip itinerary
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1. Listen and talk about the problem of drug abuse 2. Read about the disastrous effects of Ecstasy 3. Write about the risks of taking drugs or other harmful substance 4. Practice reading skills: text cohesive devices 5. Practice translating skills: translation of “it” 6. Learn and practice paragraph development by cause and effect 7. Learn to write a public warning message
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1) provide some clues to what makes a Nobel Prize Winner. 2) give guidance to learners to listen and talk about famous person. 3) provide students with new words and expressions 4) learn how to analyze word formation 5) ask learners to write in a chronological sequence
文档格式:DOC 文档大小:146KB 文档页数:9
1. First listen to and then talk about lifelong education 2. Read about why and how people pursue continuing education 3. Write about various ways of learning 4. Practice reading skills: contextual meaning 5. Practice translating skills: splitting 6. Learn and practice paragraph development by example 7. Learn to write an online program introduction 8. Visit Culture Salon about the concepts and practice of lifelong education
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