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Section 1 Concept of Tumor Section 8 Characteristics of benign versus malignant tumor Section 2 Morphology 0f tumors Section 9 Precancerous lesion, dysplasia and Carcinoma in situ Section 3 Differentiation and Atypia of tumors Section 10 Molecular basis of tumors Section 4 Nomenclature and classification of tumors Section 11 Carcinogenic agents of environment Section 5 Growth and spreading of tumors Section 12 Inheritance and tumors Section 6 Grading and staging of tumors Section 13 Tumor immunity Section 7 Effects of tumors to man Section 14 Common tumors
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由角动量J的一般理论分析与计算,存在不同于轨道角动量L的新角动量,其量子数 可以为半整数
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一、核酸的水解 二、核酸的酸碱性质 三、核酸的紫外吸收 四、核酸的变性、复性及杂交
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REMINDER: Computer Lab #1 is due on October 8 REMINDER: Quiz 1 will be held from 7: 30-9: 30 p. m. Tuesday, October 14 in Walker Memorial. The quiz will cover material in Chapters 1-3 of o W, Lectures and Recitations
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PROBLEM SET 7 Issued: October 28. 2003 Due: November 5. 2003 REMINDER: Computer Lab 2 is also due on November 7 Reading Assignments Lectures #14-15 PS#7: Chapter 7(through Section 7. 4)and Chapter 8(through Section 8.4) of o&W Lectures #16-18 PS#8: Section 7.5 and Chapters 8 and 9(through Section 9.6)of O&W Exercise for home study(not to be turned in, although we will provide solutions)
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Evolutionary Model Prototyping- \Do it twice to assess feasibility to verify requirements May only be a front end or executable specification Or develop system with less functionality or quality attributes °3 approaches:
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鸟纲的主要特征 1.具高而恒定的体温(37C~44.6C),减少了对外界 环境的依赖性。从而扩大了在地球上的分布区。 2.心脏四腔,完全双循环。多氧血和缺氧血完全分开, 大大提高了鸟类的新陈代谢水平,成为真正的恒温动物
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:454KB 文档页数:17圆口纲的主要特征 1.没有真正的上颌和下颌。 2.只有奇鳍而无偶鳍。 3.没有真正的齿,只有表皮形成的角质齿。 4.脊索终生保留,仅有雏形的脊椎。 5.嗅囊和鼻孔单个。鳃位于特殊的鳃囊中
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一、两栖纲的主要特征 1.皮肤裸露,表皮轻度角质化,有利于减少体内水分的蒸发;有丰富的皮肤腺和血管,有辅助呼吸的作用。 2.两栖类的成体有典型陆栖脊椎动物的骨骼。 3.成体出现内鼻孔和囊状肺,可以直接与空气进行气体交换
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中国无产阶级应该懂 得:他们自己虽然是一个最 有觉悟性和最有组织性的阶 级,但是如果单凭自己一个 阶级的力量,是不能胜利的 。而要胜利,他们就必须在 各种不同的情形下团结一切 可能的革命的阶级和阶层, 组织革命的统一战线
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