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The writing of clinical record A patient's health record plays many important roles: It provides a view of the patient's health history/status It serves as the legal document describing the healthcare services provided to the patient It provides a method for clinical communication and care
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Transmission Video Formats and Applications. Intensity Modulation.Noise Limitations. Linearity Requirements.Laser Linearity. Clipping. External Modulation.Miscellaneous Impairments Summary 71.2 Long Distance Fiber Optic Communications T.E. Darcie ATeT Bell Laboratories Coupler.Isolator. Connectors and Splices.Optical
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Objectives This unit deals with communication skills in business world, including skills of greeting, asking questions, and skills about how to build up good relationship
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人们常用C&C(computer and communication)来描述计算 机网络,但从系统的观点看,这还很不够。固然计算机和通 信系统是计算机网络中非常重要的基本要素,但计算机网络 并不是计算机和通信系统的简单结合,也不是计算机或通信 系统的简单扩展或延伸,而是融合了信息采集、存储、传输、 处理和利用等一切先进信息技术,是具有新功能的新系统
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管理活动是在组织中进行的,组织又是 在一定的社会环境中生存和发展的,不 论是与组织外部的社会联系还是组织内 部各项管理职能的实施都离不开有效的 沟通。 沟通[Communication是把有组织的活动 统一起来的手段,也是有关各方相互了 解,取得共识和建立信任的方法
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1、彼得德鲁克,《管理的前沿》,企业管理出版社,1988。 2、 Guide to Managerial Communication(4thed), Mary Munter, Prentice Hall,清华 大学出版社,1999(中文版也可)
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Transaction Processing System Input Process Output Software Design Systems Development Communication Information
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Transaction Processing System Input Process Output Systems Development Communication Information
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Transaction Processing System Input Process Output Systems Development Communication Information
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Transaction Processing System Input Process Output Systems Development Communication Information
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