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一、等温过程 特征T常量
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一、冲量质点的动量定理 动量物体的质量与速度的乘积叫做物体的动量
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1. The position vector and displacement Let the plane of the two-dimensional motion be the x-y plane of a Cartesian coordinate system
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Electrical Potential Ener and Electric Potentia 17.1 Electrical potential energy and electric potential 1. Electric force is conservative force Coulomb's force:
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Electric Fields 918.1 Conductors in electric field 1. Conductors A conductor is a material in which the electrons at the outer periphery of an atom have no great affinity for any particular individual
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The Heisenberg uncertainty principles Nature is bilateral: particles are waves and waves are particles. The particle aspect carries with it the traditional concepts of position and momentum; The wave aspect carries with it the concepts of wavelength and frequency
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26.1 Some important discoveries at the end of the 20th century a. Measured the charge of the cathode rays; b. Make a static electric deflection of the cathode rays; . Measured the charge to mass ratio of the cathode rays;
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1. The discovery of electrification OThe phenomenon of electrification Glass rod is rubbed with silk-positive Amber rod is rubbed with fur--negative
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8—3电场强度 一、静电场 实验证实了两静止电荷间存在相互作用的静电力,但其相互作用是怎样实现的?
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I. Choose the Correct Answer . real engine has an efficiency of33%. The engine has work output of2 4J4 per cycle.how much heat energy is extracted from the high-temperature reservoir per cycle? (D) (A)8J
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