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一、现代学校目标管理的涵义 学校目标管理:指在一定时期内学校指挥决策系统提出 整体工作目标、制定方针,从上到下,再从下到上,上下 结合,反复协商,分解目标,层层落实、直到教职员工个人,落实措施,安排进度,具体实施,严格考评,取得效益,实现目标的学校内部自我控制教育、教学、科研、生 产和经营活动的全进程
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频率特性图示: 1、极坐标图— Nyquist图(又叫幅相频率特性 或奈奎斯特图,简称奈氏图) 2、对数坐标图Bode图(又叫伯德图,简 称伯氏图) 将伯德图中的对数幅频曲线和相频曲线合并,画 在以对数幅值为纵坐标,以相角为横坐标的图上。这 种图形就称为对数幅相图— Nichols图(又叫尼柯 尔斯图,简称尼氏图) 般用于闭环系统频率特性分析的
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基本思想:利用开环频率特性判别闭环系统稳定性。 一、预备知识—幅角定理 由复变函数可知,对S复平面上除奇点外的任一 点,经过复变函数F(s)的映射,在F(s)平面上可以找 到对应的象
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1 Introduction 2 Deterministic Dynamic Programming and Viscosity Solutions 3 Stochastic Control 3.1 Some Probability Theory 3.2 Controlled State Space Models 3.3 Filtering 3.4 Dynamic Programming - Case I : Complete State Information 3.5 Dynamic Programming - Case II : Partial State Information 3.6 Two Continuous Time Problems 4 Robust Control 4.1 Introduction and Background 4.2 The Standard Problem of H∞ Control 4.3 The Solution for Linear Systems 4.4 Risk-Sensitive Stochastic Control and Robustness 5 Optimal Feedback Control of Quantum Systems 5.1 Preliminaries 5.2 The Feedback Control Problem 5.3 Conditional Dynamics 5.4 Optimal Control 5.5 Appendix: Formulas for the Two-State System with Feedback Example 6 Optimal Risk-Sensitive Feedback Control of Quantum Systems 6.1 System Model 6.2 Risk-Neutral Optimal Control 6.3 Risk-Sensitive Optimal Control 6.4 Control of a Two Level Atom 6.5 Control of a Trapped Atom
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System compensation is the process of designing a controller that will produce an acceptable transient response while maintaining a desired steady-state accuracy .These two design objectives are conflicting in most systems ,since small errors imply high gains reduce system stability and may even drive the system unstable .Compensation may be thought of as the process of increasing the stability of a system without reducing its accuracy below minimum acceptable standards
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反谓反馈,就是将放大器的输出量(电流或电压), 通过一定的网络,回送到放大器的输入回路,并同输 入信号一起参与放大器的输入控制作用,从而使放大 器的某些性能获得有效改善的过程
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3-1 汇编语言与指令系统简介 3-2 数据传送类指令 3-3 算术运算类指令 3-4 逻辑运算类指令 3-5 控制转移类指令 3-6 位操作类指令 3-7 汇编语言的汇编过
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1.1 信号及其分类 1.2 信号分析与处理概述 1.3 自动控制中的信号分析与处理 1.4 系统及其性质
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5—1 引言 5—2 频率特性 5—3 开环系统的典型环节分解和开环频率特性 5—4 频率域稳定判据 5—5 稳定裕度 5—6 闭环系统的频域性能指标
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