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11.1 麦克斯韦方程组 11.2 加速运动电荷辐射电磁波 11.3 平面电磁波 11.4 电磁波的能量和动量
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一.简谐振动 1.运动方程和振动曲线
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A reference frame consists(1)a coordinate system and(2)a set of synchronized clocks distributed throughout the coordinate grid and rest with respect to it
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I. Choose the Correct Answer 1. An object is moving along the x axis with position as a function of time given by x=x(). Point is at x 0. The object is definitely moving toward O when
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I. Choose the Correct Answer 1. Which statement is most correct? (C) (A)Uniform circular motion causes a constant force toward the center. (B)Uniform circular motion is caused by a constant force toward the center
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热力学第一定律: 包括机械运动和热运动在内的能量转换及守恒定律对任何热力学系统
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新泽西州立罗格斯大学:The Strange Link between Incompressibility and Complexity
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9-1静电场中的导体 一、静电感应静电平衡条件
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9-3静电场中的电介质 一、电介质对电容的影响相对电容率
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