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Guangdong Inatitute of Textile Technolegy Introduction The larva of certain insects for use in their building webs, climbing ropes and cocoons 0Spiders 0Commercial silk industry: use larva of silkworm o Application: Mostly apparel, was also used for parachutes
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Guangdong Institute of Textile Technolegy Structures of wool fibers Submicrostructure Cotex core of the wool fiber: 90% of the fiber volume, consists of countless long, spindle-shaped- cells held together by intercellular cement
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复旦大学:《人类进化 Human Evolution》参考文献_体质人类学_DNA与人类起源和演化_现代分子生物学技术在人类学研究中的应用
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◼ Data Objects and Attribute Types ◼ Basic Statistical Descriptions of Data ◼ Data Visualization ◼ Measuring Data Similarity and Dissimilarity ◼ Summary
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Guangdong Instltute of Textile Technolegy Fiber Properties and Identification 0Mechanical properties Tensile properties Tensile deformation
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1.1 数控技术及数控机床 1.2 数控加工的特点 1.3 数控机床的组成及加工原理 1.4 数控机床的分类 1.5 数控技术的发展趋势 1.6 常见数控机床简介
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一、原棉的品质检验与评定 二、本色棉纱线的品质检验与评定 三、本色棉布与印染布的品质检验与评定
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一、织物外观保持性 二、织物的尺寸稳定性 三、织物的透通性
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