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一、分离剂? 二、哪两相? 三、利用什么性质? 四、属于平衡分离过程
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Distillation : Summary Distillation is a widely used separation process. The separation is based on the volatility difference of the components to be separated
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1. 三角形相图 顶点 三个边 内部任一点
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New knowledge Triangle phase equilibrium diagram cross flow process mass balance in triangle diagram
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1 一般描述 2 Henry’s Law (亨利定律)
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Summary: Absorption Knowledge: Three main parts: Part 1: how to achieve an absorption process? Part 2 : how to determine the basic parameters of a packed column? Part 3: how to enhance an absorption process?
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1. 气体的组成 2. 固体的组成 3. 平衡关系图 4. 几个定义和为什么
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1. 流程设计 2. 参数计算 3. 操作条件的确定
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1. 流程设计 2. 参数计算 3. 操作条件的确定
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一.填空或选择 1.固体粒子的沉降过程分____阶段和____阶段。沉降速度是指____阶段颗粒相对于____的速度
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