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Vibrio sp Gram-negative rods Curves or comma shaped Non-spore forming Highly motile-single polar flagella Associated with salt water Oxidase positive
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苏州大学医学部药学院:《微生物学与免疫学 Microbiology & Immunology》课程教学资源(授课教案)
文档格式:DOCX 文档大小:71.56KB 文档页数:73
苏州大学医学部药学院:《微生物学与免疫学 Microbiology & Immunology》课程教学资源(教学大纲)
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Actinomyces Israelii Anaeslundii a Gram positive sulfur granule; Related to decay tooth and peridentitis
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Biological Features Aerobic, Gram, noncapsulated, rods Gray-black colonies on tellurite亚碲酸盐 medium o Metachromatic granules Chinese-letter morphology in Gram stain
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人民卫生出版社:《医学微生物学》课程PPT教学课件(第五版)第7章 细菌感染的检查方法与防治原则
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第一节 噬菌体的生物学性状 第二节 噬菌体与宿主菌的相互关系 第三节 噬菌体的应用
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第一节 物理消毒灭菌法 第二节 化学消毒灭菌法
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General introduction Gram-negative, obligate intracellular coccobacilli bacteria that infect mammals and arthropods Rickettsiae are transmitted in the arthropods, which serves as both vector and reservior Both dna and rna Is sensitive to antibiotic
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