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Lecture 5 Sequence Paragraph Objectives To learn what a sequence paragraph is To learn to write an effective sequence paragraph Writing instructions wha at is a sequence paragrap h?
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Objectives To learn what choice paragraph is To learn to write a choice paragraph effectively In a paragraph where you have to make a choice, you need to choose which object, idea, or action sor events
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The relative clause Ⅰ. Connectives that which 1. Relative pronoun
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Means for Emphasis I A sentence pattern that It be stressed part who genera “正是”,“就是” Translation technique
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文书处理 1、概述 2、发文处理 3、收文处理 4、立卷 5、归档、清退和销毁
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Part I Paper Writing Section I. The composition of an Academic Paper I The title 1. Features: brief clear ② attractive noun phrase
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一、请示的概念 请示是“适用于向上级机关请求指示、批准”的公文
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一、被动性 二、针对性 三、权威性
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一、定义 证明信是以组织、机关、团体或个人的名义,凭借确凿的证据,证明有关人员的身份、经历或证明有关事件的真实情况的专用书信
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一、定义 介绍信是介绍被派遣人员到其他单位联系工作、学习经验、出席会议、磋商问题、了解事 情时所常用的一种专用书信
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