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§4—1 齿轮机构的特点和类型 §4—2 齿廓实现定角速比传动的条件 §4—3 渐开线齿廓 §4—4 齿轮各部分名称及渐开线标准齿轮的基本尺寸 §4—7 根切、最少齿数及变位齿轮 §4—8 平行轴斜齿轮机构 §4—9 圆锥齿轮机构 §4—6 渐开线齿轮的切齿原理 §4—5 渐开线标准齿轮的啮合
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§11—1 齿轮的失效形式 §11—2 齿轮材料及热处理 §11—3 齿轮传动精度 §11—4 直齿圆柱齿轮传动的作用力及计算载荷 §11—9 齿轮的构造 §11—10 齿轮传动的润滑和效率 §11—6 直齿圆柱齿轮传动的轮齿弯曲强度计算 §11—5 直齿圆柱齿轮传动的齿面接触强度计算
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14—1轴的功用和类型 14—2轴的材料 14—3轴的结构设计 14—4轴的强度计算 14—5轴的刚度计算 14—5轴的临界转速的概念
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胸部创伤 hest trauma 胸内脏器:肺和心脏大血管 胸内负压:-078~-0.98kPa(-8~-10cmH2O) 胸部伤后易发生呼吸和循环功能障碍 个平时多为交通事故伤 战时阵亡者约2%~27%死于胸部伤 美国每年15万人死于创伤,其中胸伤占25% 我国:
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1. Arranging insurance cover for the buyer 执事先生 第645号500件印花棉布的合约是以成本加运费的价格而定,但贵公司的 信用证却规定为成本加保险和运费。这一不符显然必须修改。 为避免进一步延误,本公司建议代为安排有关投保手续。保险费为140美 元,将在贵公司2%的佣金内扣除
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Why is the element stiffness matrix singular in a finite element formulation? 1. So that it can accomodate rigid element dis- placements without introducing spurious nodal 2 Because we made a mistake in the formula- tion the stiffness matrix should not be sin- g 3. Because we havent enforced any displace ment boundary conditions(it's a variational approach after all) Statement(1)
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A Cauchy stress component at a given(fixed) point P of a structure in equilibrium under the action of external loads is defined when 1. the direction of the face on which the stress component acts is specified 2 the direction of the force from which the stress component is derived is specified None of the above statements
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We are going to consider the forces exerted on a material. These can be external or internal. External forces come in two flavors: body forces(given per unit mass or volume) and surface forces(given per unit area). If we cut a body of material in equilibrium under a set of external forces along a plane as shown in fig. 1. and consider one side of it we draw two conclusions: 1 the equilibrium provided by the loads from the side taken out is provided by a set of forces that are distributed among the material particles adjacent to
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1叶格尔CM等著.飞机设计.杨景佐等译.北京:航空工业出版社,1986 2杨景佐,曹名编.飞机总体设计.北京:航空工业出版社,1991 3 Raymer D P. Aircraft Design: A Conceptal Approach. AlAA Education Series, 1992 4[美]雷曼尔DP著.现代飞机设计.钟定逵等译.北京:国防工业出版社,1992
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Part 2.: introduction to thermochemistry SB&VW-14.1-14.6 Until now, we have specified the heat given to the devices analyzed, and not concerned ourselves with how this heat might be produced. In this section, we examine the issue of how obtain the heat needed for work
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