一、是一种少年儿童常见的结缔组织病 One of the most common connective tissue diseases of children 二、以慢性关节炎(滑膜炎)为主要特点 Characterized by chronic arthritis (synovitis of the joints) 三、多脏器受累,如肝脾肿大、淋巴结肿大、浆膜炎(心包积液)等 Visceral involvement ,such as hepatosplenomegaly, lym- phadenopathy and serositis (pericardial effusion)
概貌 Outline 是一种小血管炎 A kind of vasculitis of small vessels 以皮肤紫癜、关节痛、积液、腹痛、便血、血 尿和蛋白尿为主要临床特征 Characterized clinically by purpura, arthralgia ,articular effusion, abdominal pain, hemafecia
Definition BActeremia Bacter ia invade into blood temporar i ly with flora <100 CFU/ml in blood SEpticemia or Seps is Pathogens(bacter ia or fung i)invade into blood prol iferate great ly, and release endotox in Toxemia
Short stature Below the 3rd percentile or -2SD than that of his or her peers Short stature has many causes, the pathologic short stature should be suspected in children who have an abnormal growth velocity or who are significantly short for their family