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▪ component urinary organs: kidneys micturition organs: ureter, bladder and urethra ▪ function ✓ discharge metabolite ✓ regulate the balance of water and electrolyte ✓ endocrine function: renin, erythropoietin, prostaglandin
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Disclaimer This document provides guidance to states, territories, authorized tribes, local governments, watershed organizations, and the public regarding technical tools and sources of information for developing watershed based plans to improve and protect water quality. This document refers to statutory and regulatory provisions that contain legally binding requirements. This document does not substitute for
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Milk should contain 8.25% milk-solid-not-fat .3.25% milk fat Milk is .. a true solution for salts, lactose, water- soluble vitamins milk is a colloidal dispersion for proteins and some Ca phosphate a dilute emulsion for fat globules
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Introduction Although the world is large, man is able to live in only a small part of it. The atmosphere is only about eleven kilometers thick. The soil that supplies us with food is only about fifteen centimeters thick and man can live on only about one eighth of the world's surface. In the past two hundred years man has greatly changed his environment. Water has been given to deserts. Roads have been built across deserts and through forests
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第一节微生物的六种营养要素 碳源 carbon source.g.,carbohydrate) 氮源 nitrogen source(e.g.protein or ammonia) 能源 Energy 生长因子 Essential metabolites(vitamins; possibly amino acids) 无机盐 Certain inorganic ions 水 Water
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培养基及成分 1. Acetobacter Medium(醋酸菌培养基) Glucose(葡萄糖)100 g Yeasst extract(酵母膏)10g CaC32 0g0 Agar(琼脂)15g Distilled water(蒸馏水)1000 ml Adjust(调)pHto6.8 适用范围:恶臭醋酸杆菌混浊变种
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第一节基本原理 原子吸收光谱法是基于被测元素基态原子在蒸气状 态对其原子共振辐射的吸收进行元素定量分析的方法。 基态原子吸收其共振辐射,外层电子由基态跃迁至 激发态而产生原子吸收光谱。原子吸收光谱位于光谱的 紫外区和可见区。 在通常的原子吸收测定条件下,原子蒸气中基态原 子数近似等于总原子数
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第一节概述 色谱法早在1903年由俄国植物学家茨维特分 离植物色素时采用。 他在研究植物叶的色素成分时,将植物叶 子的萃取物倒入填有碳酸钙的直立玻璃管内, 然后加入石油醚使其自由流下,结果色素中各 组分互相分离形成各种不同颜色的谱带。这种 方法因此得名为色谱法。以后此法逐渐应用于 无色物质的分离,“色谱”二字虽已失去原来
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化学分析与仪器分析方法比较 化学分析:常量组分(>1%),E0.1%~0.2% 准确度高 依据化学反应,使用玻璃仪器
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5.4常用的氧化还原滴定法 5.4.1高锰酸钾法 5.4.2重铬酸钾法 5.4.3碘量法 5.4.4溴酸钾法及铈量法
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