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《组织学与胚胎学 Histology and Embryology》课程PPT教学课件讲稿(双语版)Urinary system

▪ component urinary organs: kidneys micturition organs: ureter, bladder and urethra ▪ function ✓ discharge metabolite ✓ regulate the balance of water and electrolyte ✓ endocrine function: renin, erythropoietin, prostaglandin

Urinary system

Urinary system

G eneral outline a component urinary organs: kidneys micturition organs: ureter, bladder and urethra a function discharge metabolite v regulate the balance of water and electrolyte Y endocrine function: renin, erythropoietin, prostaglandin

General outline ▪ component urinary organs: kidneys micturition organs: ureter, bladder and urethra ▪ function ✓ discharge metabolite ✓ regulate the balance of water and electrolyte ✓ endocrine function: renin, erythropoietin, prostaglandin

Renal anatomic structure ■ fibrosa Cortical labyrinth cortex Medullary ray Parenchyma Renal pyramids Medulla Renal columns

Renal anatomic structure ▪ Fibrosa ▪ Parenchyma Cortex Cortical labyrinth Medullary ray Medulla Renal pyramids Renal columns

Renal histological structure Glomerulus Renal corpuscles Bowman’ s capsule nephron Renal tubules collecting duct juxtaglomerular apparatus

Renal histological structure ▪ nephron Renal corpuscles ▪ collecting duct ▪ juxtaglomerular apparatus Renal tubules Glomerulus Bowman’s capsule

Distal convoluted calyces Proximal convoluted Renal 负分 Corte Collecti (Straight) tubule fro Descending lim Glomerulus Loop of Henle ( Straigh ding lim Collectin e Thin loc Renal medullary Ureter Renal columns of Bertin

medulla. ters and the renal vein and ureter leave at the la, composed of 10-18 renal pyramids ed tubule Afferent ( Cuboidal创 wth short micron The distal tubule mal convoluted tubule Didal colls with shor eper in th long dense microvilli The proximal tubule is composed of cuboidal cells whose bas Cuboid epithehal cells tive of active transport Is The collecting ducts long micron, denoting absorption and cortex and end at Thick s cobs) (Cuboidal epithelial cells) The thin limbs of Hente's loop, composed of squamous cess, are long in juxtamedullary and The arteria recta of the vasa recta originates as extremely short in coreal nephrons. a branch of the efferent glomerular arteriole of juxtamedullary nephrons. Its counterpart from cortical nephrons establishes the peritubular capillary network of the cortex

Kidney ※


Renal cortex Renal medulla

Renal cortex Renal medulla

Structure of renal corpuscle: afferent arteriole efferent arteriole capillary retwork Glomerulus mesangial cells parietal layer: simple squamous epi. Bowmans capsular cavity: filtrate capsule visceral layer: podocytes (primary and secondary processes, slit membrane

Structure of Renal corpuscle: Glomerulus afferent arteriole capillary network mesangial cells efferent arteriole Bowman’s capsule parietal layer: simple squamous Epi. capsular cavity: filtrate visceral layer: podocytes (primary and secondary processes, slit membrane)

Renal corpuscle

Renal corpuscle

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