Overview A review of statecharts conventional state machine modeling two main limitations Harel Statecharts original Harel Statecharts object-based variant of Harel Statecharts State Machines in UML2.0 concepts and constructs diagrams
简介(Introduction) 我们知道在实际应用中有许多非线性方程的例子,例如 (1)在光的衍射理论(the theory ofdiffraction of light)中,我们需要求x-tanx=0的根 (2)在行星轨道(planetary orbits)的计算中,对任意的a和b,我们需要求x-asinx=b的根
3-1 Introduction 3-2 Definition Architecture 3-3 Why have Architecture 3-10 3-5 Definition Architecture 3-6 The V.and X.standards 3-7 Advs and disadvs of standards 3-8 Communication Architecture 3-9 ISO Reference Model 3-4 Standards making org 3-11 Internet Architecture 3-12 Manufactures Architecture 3-13 A caveat about 3-14 Layered architecture