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Component Factors of the Time-Series Model Smoothing of Data Series Moving Averages Exponential Smoothing Least Square Trend Fitting and Forecasting Linear, Quadratic and Exponential Models Autoregressive Models Choosing Appropriate Models Monthly or Quarterly Data
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:525.5KB 文档页数:38
The Multiple Regression Model Contribution of Individual Independent Variables Coefficient of Determination Categorical Explanatory Variables Transformation of Variables Model Building
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Types of Regression Models Determining the Simple Linear Regression Equation Measures of Variation in Regression and Correlation Assumptions of Regression and Correlation Residual Analysis and the Durbin-Watson Statistic Estimation of Predicted Values Correlation Measuring the Strength of the Association
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一、假设检验的基本概念 二、One- Sample Tests(单样本检验)
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一、基本概念 二、总体与样本
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一、基本抽样问题 1 基本概念 2 制定抽样计划的步骤 3 抽样误差与非抽样误差 4 概率抽样方法 5 非概率抽样方法
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To learn the objectives of questionnaire esign. To understand the role of the questionnaire in the data collection process. To become familiar with the criteria for a good questionnaire. To learn the process for questionnaire design
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:438.1KB 文档页数:11
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