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Mycoplasmas a group of the smallest organisms that can be free living in nature, Pass bacterial filter and also grow on laboratory media. More than 80 species, belong to Mycoplasmatales of mollicute. 3 families can be divided:
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Spirochetes Gram negative Long, thin, helical, motile axial filaments locomotion between peptidoglycan layer/outer membrane runs parallel
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What does a pathogen have to do? Infect (infest) a host Reproduce(replicate) itself Ensure that its progeny are transmitted to another host
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Categories of Respiratory Viruses Orthomyxoviridae: Influenza virus Paramyxoviridae: Parainfluenza virus, Mumps virus; Measles, Respiratory syneytical virus Togaviridae: Rubella virus Coronaviridae: corona irus, sars virus Adenoviridae: human Adenovirus picornaviridae: Rhino virus;
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Viral gastroenteritis It is thought that viruses are responsible for up to 3/4 of all infective diarrhoeas Viral gastroenteritis is the second most common viral illness after upper respiratory tract infection
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Live difficult diagnosis clinical picture, skin biopsy, corneal impression(antibodies only appear very late) Dead- brain sent to Onderstepoort Negri bodies in cytoplasm of brain cells; immunofluorescence virus isolation
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Human cytomegalovirus Epstein-Barr- virus Herpes simplex virus Yellow fever virus Rubella
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Hemorrhogic Fever Virus Hantaar Virus or HEMORRHAGIC FEVER with renal syndrome virus HFRS Xing Jiang Hemorrhogic Fever Virus Dept. of microbiology and parasitology
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Properties of herpesviruses Enveloped double stranded DNA viruses. Genome consisits of long and short fragments which may be orientated in either direction, giving a total of 4 isomers
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一、概论 二、生物防治 三、害虫防治历史及现状 四、理论基础 五、天敌昆虫的应用 六、微生物农药的应用 七、杂草生物防治
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