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The scope of pediatrics Pediatrics is the study of growth and development of the child from the genetic background and moment of conception through adolescence. It is the science and art of prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of the diseases of children from birth through adolescence, whether these disturbances be physical, mental, or emotional
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1.小儿体液的总量 年龄越小,水分的比例越大. 体液的总量在新生儿为80% 年长儿为65% 成人为60%
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病史摘要 患儿,女,13岁诊断:急性重型再生障碍性贫血 第一次住院病史(2005.2.19-2005.2.28) 患儿因“头晕,面色苍白3周”入院,查体:神清,气平,浅表淋巴结未及肿 大,贫血貌,双上肢可见少许针尖样出血点,压之不褪色,有瘀斑,口唇有血 痂,舌尖有溃疡,约4mm,双肺呼吸音清,心腹无殊。NS(-)患儿入院后予以输 注少浆血150ML,单采血小板2U,止血、叶酸、VitB12支持治疗 辅检:2005.2.19血常规WBC3.3*10/L,RBC1.86*1012/L,Hb68g/L, T15*10/LN15.1% 肝肾功
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徐佳俊,男,1岁4月,入院时间:2005.5.18住院号:126316 主诉:因发热20余天入院。 现病史:患儿20天前无明显诱因下出现发热,T38度(腋),体温波动于 37-39度,于当地诊所鱼腥草病毒脞等抗感染3天(具体欠详),效果欠佳,于 当地省一附院医院就诊,查血培养、免疫球蛋白、肝肾功能、乙肝六项、肥达 氏反应、PPD、骨穿均阴性,胸片示支气管炎,B超示脾大,予阿莫西林、舒巴 坦治疗3天后继用泰能治疗4天,体温仍波动于38.5度左右。再于省儿童医院
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一、了解胎儿循环及出生后的变化 二、熟悉先天性心脏病的病因和分类,诊断方法 三、掌握常见先心病的血液动力学、临床表现、 四、常见并发症、诊断和治疗原则
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一、掌握室间隔缺损、动脉导管未闭、房间隔缺损和法洛四联征等常见先心病的的诊断和鉴别诊断。 二、熟悉上述常见先心病的治疗原则和方法。 三、了解先心病诊断和治疗进展
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Nutritional requirements To live to grow and thrive, humans must take in nutrients from their environment Before birth there are supplied by the mother, but ereafter they must be ingested If too little is provided, the infant will not grow and may become ill, and too much may lead to toxicity or obesity
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一、部分性(限局性、局灶性)发作 1.简单部分性发作 (1)运动性发作 (2)感觉性发作 (3)植物神经性发作 (4)精神症状性发作 2.复杂部分性发作 3.部分性发作演变为全身性发作
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Rheumatoid Disease Connective tissue diseases (包含有120种与关节、骨骼、肌肉等相关的疾病) 过敏性紫癜(anaphylactoid purpura) 类风湿性关节炎(JRA) sle(systemic lupus erythematosis) 皮肌炎(dermatomyositis) 硬皮病(scleroderma) 风湿热(rheumatic fever) 川崎病(Kawasaki disease)
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The Aim of This Class To understand the classification of CHD To know well the embryological development of heart, causes of CHD and its pathogenesis To know well the approaches of evaluation of CHD To know the characteristics of fetal
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