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DNA是储存遗传信息的物质,亲代的遗传信息如何真实地传给子代,这个问题的实质就 是DNA分子如何复制(replication)成完全相同的两个拷贝,即DNA的合成,可见通过复 制,遗传信息得以在传代中保留。 DNA分子中的遗传信息又如何表达呢?现知基因表达的第一步是通过转录 (transcription),即DNA的碱基按互补配对(g-c,a-t,a-u)的原则转变为RNA分子上相 应的碱基序列,接着RNA通过翻译(translation),以三个碱基的序列作为一个氨基酸的遗 传密码,从而决定蛋白质的一级结构
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Microbial molecular biology and genetics A clone: a population of cells that are derived asexually from a parental cell and are genetically identical. Genome: all the genes present in cell or virus. Central dogma:dna→rna→ protein transcription translation
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L Translation(30%) PartI(10%) 1. Will you please send us a copy of your catalogue and current price-list for bicycles? We are interested in bicycles for both man and woman, and also for children. We are the leading bicycle dealers in the city, where cycling is popular, and have branches in five neighboring districts. If the qual ity of your bicycles is satisfactory and the prices are reasonable, we will place regular orders for fairly large numbers 2. Multimedia software is used for electronic publishing and electronic games and in employee training programs, The term multimedia is also used to describe home entertainment systems and other
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4.1刚体运动学 一.刚体的平动(translation 刚体上任意两质元的连线在空间的取向始终保持不变 (后一时刻的取向总与前一时刻的取向保持平行)
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一、蛋白质合成(Translation--翻译) 二、mRNA碱基语言 蛋白质氨基酸语言 (密码语言———全生物界通用) 第一节mRNA上的密码语言 IAMANCHINESE TTAAGCAGC ? 1.1密码子(相当于单词) 4种碱基如何表示22种氨基酸呢?排列组合
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《分子生物学》课程PPT教学课件(讲义)lect7 Translation
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翻译是将mRNA上的遗传信息转变 为蛋白质序列的过程
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