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例13b2溶液中滴定Pb2 (1)能否分步滴定:△lg=18.0-10.7=7.3>6能 (2)滴定的酸度范围:Y(H)ay(ca)10.7
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《水分析化学 Water Analytical Chemistry》课程教学课件(讲稿)第二章 酸碱滴定法 2.8 酸碱滴定法的应用 第三章 络合滴定法 3.1 概述 3.2 络合平衡 3.3 络合滴定基本原理 3.4 混合离子的选择性滴定(部分)3.5 络合滴定的方式和应用
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2.1 酸碱反应及其平衡常数 2.2 酸碱溶液的H+浓度计算
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分析化学是发展和应用各种方法、仪 器和策略,以获得有关物质在空间 和时间方面组成和性质的一门科学, 是表征和量测的科学。 原子量的准确测定、工农业生产的发 展、生态环境的保护、生命过程的 控制等都离不开分析化学
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Template Structures By far the most common type of fixed offshore structure in existence today is the template, or substructure that extends from the seafloor to above the water surface and a prefabricated steel deck located atop the substructure. The deck is supported by pipe piles driven through the legs of the substructure into the seafloor. These piles not
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The basis for ship equilibrium Consider a ship floating upright on the surface of motionless water. In order to be at rest or in equilibrium, there must be no unbalanced forces or moments acting on it. There are two forces that maintain this equilibrium (1) the force of gravity, and (2) the force of buoyancy
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Local or remote control Microprocessor controlled RS-232/RS-485 CAN Complete diode laser control Affordably priced and monitoring solution Air or water cooling( specify)
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Section 1 Soil three phases Constitution Soil density and bulk density (一) Soil density( or Particle density) Soil density is the density of the solid soil particles only; the measurement does not include water weight or pore (air)space. The dominant soil minerals-quartz, feldspars micas, and clay minerals-
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第20.1条给水排水工程的通用术语及其涵义应符合下列规定: 1给水工程 Water supply engineering 原水的取集和处理以及成品水输配的工程 2排水工程 sewerage, wastewater engineering
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Difference between Chinese and english expressions in word order 东南西北 North south east and west 衣食住行 Food clothing, shelter and transportation 水陆交通 Transportation by land and water 田径项目 Track and field events
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