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山东大学:《SAS软件应用基础》课程电子教案(PPT课件)第六章 SAS过程中常用语句、第七章 SAS服务过程、第八章 基础统计过程(1/2)
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8.1 信令系统的概念 8.1.1 电信网对信令系统的要求 8.1.2 信令的定义和分类 8.1.3 用户线信令 8.1.4 局间信令 8.2 随路信令——中国1号信令 8.2.1 线路监测信令 8.2.2 记发器信令 8.3 公共信道信令——No.7信令 8.3.1 公共信道信令的概念 8.3.2 No.7信令系统的组成 8.3.3 No.7信令链路单元格式
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Part 1: Overview—AI &CI Part 2: Introduction to AI Part 3: Representation of Knowledge Part 4: 知识推理技术 Part 5: Artificial Neural Network(ANN)
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Some useful equations for Quiz# 2 Constants:kB=1.38×1023J/K=862×105eV/K,e=16×101Coul I atm=760 Torr=10 Pa Ideal gas: Pv=NkBT N/=n=C(concentration), J
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Reading Assignment: Kinetics, Vac. Tech: Campbell, 10.1-1. 4(or Ohring Ch 2) 1. Consider a vacuum system at room temperature that has been pumped down to a 10 m-Torr with mostly nitrogen as determined from the residual gas analyzer. Make an in
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Problem 1 Deal-Grove model states that the thickness of the oxide is related to a time constant r and two constants A and b by the relation
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《高中物理》全程设计训练题库(选修第二册,课后习题,含答案)第1章 安培力与洛伦兹力_2.磁场对运动电荷的作用力
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《高中物理》全程设计训练题库(必修第三册,课后习题,含答案)第12章 电能 能量守恒定律_2 闭合电路的欧姆定律
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《高中物理》全程设计训练题库(必修第三册,课后习题,含答案)第11章 电路及其应用_3 实验2 金属丝电阻率的测量
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Solubility limit for P at 1273 K is Co 2 1 x 10 cm\. Intrinsic carrier concentration is 10 cm\. Thus, before including higher order terms, Do=13x10-4 cm2/s. But with first order and second order correction terms
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