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6-1解:首先写出S点的振动方程 若选向上为正方向,则有: -0.01=0.02 coso coSpo=-
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10-2设有10000个记录对象,通过分块划分为若干子表并建立索引,那么为了提高搜索效率,每一个子表的大小应设计为多大? 【解答】每个子表的大小s=[n=[10000=100个记录对象
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6.1 z 变换 一、从拉普拉斯变换到z变换 二、收敛域 6.2 z 变换的性质 6.3 逆z变换 6.4 z 域分析 一、差分方程的变换解 二、系统的z域框图 三、利用z变换求卷积和 四、s域与z域的关系 五、离散系统的频率响应
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Ship motions Ship motions are defined by the movements from the equilibrium position of the ship's centre of gravity along the three axes shown in Figure and by rotations about axes approximately parallel to these. The linear displacements along the horizontal
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Planning Delivery of a completed ship by a specified date requires careful planning. Following the introduction of the critical path method of planning and control by the U. S. E. I. du Pont de Nemours Company' about 1959, new techniques were adopted in many shipyards
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1 Sed. environments 2 Sedimentary facies 3 Facies changes and analysis of sed-facies 4 Walther’s law 5 Uniformitarianism
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超基性岩和超镁铁质岩是两个不同的概念,前者是以SiO2 含量为依据命名的,后者是以富铁镁矿物而命名的,云S 数超镁铁质岩都是超基性岩。但某些超镁铁质岩如辉石岩、 角闪石岩等,其SiO2应属基性岩的范畴,但它们几乎不含长石 ,且常与橄榄岩等密切共生,因此一般放入超基性岩类中介 绍
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在700℃、3kg/cm2的恒压下进行下列反应 C4H10(A)→2C2H4(B)+H2(C) 反应开始时,系统中的含量为116kg, 当反应完成50%时,丁烷的分压以2.4kg/ cm2·s的速率发生变化,试求下列各项的 变化速率:(a)乙烯的分压;(b)的摩尔数; (c)丁烷的摩尔分率
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6.2具有整数解的线性规划问题 对纯整数规划 max z=cx (IP): s.t. Ax=bx,≥0,整数,j=1,2,…n
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Pierre de Fermat Andrew John Wiles Cubum autem in duos cubos, aut quadratogu in duos quadra- toquadratos, et generaliter nullam in infinitum ultra quadratum potestatum in duos ejusdem nominis fas est dividere: cujes rei demonstrationem mirabilem sane detexi Hanc marginis exiguitas non caperet
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