第一节 水与电解质的正常代谢 (Normal metabolism of water and electrolyte) 第二节 水、钠代谢紊乱 (Disturbances of water and sodium balance) 第三节 钾代谢及钾代谢障碍 (Potassium homeostasis and its disorders)
1. Concept 2. Apoptotic process and changes 3. Key molecules and Major pathways 4. Techniques to detect apoptosis 5. Apoptosis-related diseases • Insufficient apoptosis in diseases • Excessive apoptosis in diseases • Coexistence of insufficient and excessive apoptosis in diseases 6. Principles of treatment
第一节 休克的原因和分类 (Causes and classification) 第二节 休克微循环障碍的机制 (Mechanism of microcirculatory disorder of shock) 第三节 休克中的细胞代谢、结构改变和器官功能障碍 (Alterations of cellar metabolism and structure and impairment of organic function) 第四节 休克的防治原则 (Principles of shock treatment)