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教学目标或要求:了解电环化反应,环加成反应, σ迁移反应。重点掌握周环反应的理论及有关反应机理
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① 学习由醇制备卤代烃的原理和方法 ② 练习带有吸收有害气体装置的回流加热操作 ③ 学习液液萃取的原理及分液漏斗的使用方法
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Chapter 6 Ionic Reactions--- Nucleophilic substitution and elimination reactions of alkylhalides (卤代烃的亲核取代反 Because halogen atoms are more electronegative 应和消除反应) than carbon, the carbon-halogen bond of alkyl halides is polarized; the carbon atom bears a partial positive charge, the halogen atom a partial negative charge
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11.1 羧酸衍生物的命名 Nomenclature of Carboxylic Acid Derivatives 11.2 羧酸衍生物的结构和反应性 Structure and Reactivity of Carboxylic Acid Derivatives 11.3 羧酸衍生物的制备 Preparation of Carboxylic Acid Derivatives 11.4 羧酸衍生物的水解 醇解 氨解反应 Hydrolysis, Alcoholysis and Amonolysis Reactions of Carboxylic Acid Derivatives 11.5 羧酸衍生物的其它反应 Other Reactions of Carboxylic Acid Derivatives 11.6 酯缩合反应 Ester Condensation Reactions 11.7 油脂和蜡 Fats and Waxes
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The nucleic acids, deoxyribonucleic (DNA) and ribonucleic (RNA) , are, respectively , the molecules that preserve here￾ditary information and that transcribe and translate it in a way that allows the synthesis of all the varied proteins of the cell 25.2 NUCLEOTIDES AND NUCLEOSIDES
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18.1 Introduction The carboxyl group, -COOH, -CO2H, is one of the most widely occurring functional groups in chemistry and biochemistry. Not only are carboxylic acids themselves important, but the carboxyl group is the parent group of a large family of related compounds
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(一)系统命名法(与前同) (二)习惯命名法 天然氨基酸多用习惯名称,即按其来源或性质而命名比如:门冬氨基酸最初是由天门冬的幼苗中发现的:甘氨酸是因其甜味而得名的
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2.1 定义 所谓烷烃就是指烃分子中除C-C单键外,C的其它价键全部与H原子结合,H原子 的数目已达到了最大限度,不能再增加,我们把这一类烃就叫~~
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一、结构、分类和命名 p-π共轭的结果: (1)使氧原子上的p电子云向苯环转移,其电子云密度相对降低,使O-H键易离解断裂,给出质子,从而显酸性; (2)使苯环上电子云密度相对升高,有利于苯环上进行亲电取代反应,且-OH是邻、对位定位基,强致活基团; (3)使C-O键难断裂,-OH不会被取代,或被消除
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