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第一节 物理因素 第二节 化学因素 第三节 生物因素
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一、异养有机体,由吸收作用摄取营养 二、有明显的细胞壁,有细胞核 三、进行有性生殖和无性繁殖 四、两门:黏菌门和真菌门
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3 Multidimensional NMR Spectroscopy C Gerd Gemmecker 1999 Models used for the description of NMR experiments 1. energy level diagram: only for polarisations, not dependent phenom
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Section D Bacterial structure and function 细菌的结构与功能 D1 Prokaryote taxonomy 原核生物分类学
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The culture concept is fundamental to anthropology Years ago, we used to have more trouble introducing the concept, because people tended to think of the other meaning of culture, i.e., high culture, esp. art, music, refinement
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Race and Anthropology Huge topic-only going to cover a small portion of the discussion Two notions about race: Race has a biological meaning, but not a social meaning *Race has a social meaning but not biological meaning
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