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Last time: Unit circle (=1) in the ROCDTFT X(@) exists Rational transforms correspond to signals that are linear combinations of DT exponentials
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C(S), G(s)-Designed with one or more free parameters Question: How do the closed-loop poles move as we vary these parameters?-Root locus of 1+ C(SG(sH(s
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Why use feedback? Reducing effects of nonidealities Reducing Sensitivity to Uncertainties and variability Stabilizing Unstable Systems Reducing Effects of Disturbances Tracking Shaping system response Characteristics(bandwidth/speed
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Properties of ct Rational system functions a) However, if H(s)is rational, then The system is causal The roc of H(s) is to the right of the rightmost pole
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More efficient to transmit e&m signals at higher frequencies Transmitting multiple signals through the same medium using different carriers Transmitting through\channels, with limited passbands
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SAMPLING We live in a continuous-time world most of the signals we encounter are CT signals, e.g. x(). How do we convert them into Dt signals x[n? Sampling, taking snap shots of x(t) every Seconds
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Result: Linear phase e simply a rigid shift in time, no distortion Nonlinear phase e distortion as well as shift DT
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Convergence Issues Synthesis equation: None. since integrating over a finite interval Analysis Equation: Need conditions analogous to CTFT, e. g
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1Some examples of systems 2 System properties and examples CAusality
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10.2.1 稳压电源质量指标 10.2.2 工作原理 10.2.3 三端集成稳压器 10.2.4 三端集成稳压器的应用
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