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第一节子宫颈疾病 第三节妊娠滋养层细胞疾病 第七节乳腺疾病
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nontoxic goiter Toxic goiter adenoma adenocarcinoma
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Contents Glomerulonephritis Pyelonephritis Tumors of the kidney and bladder
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Amoebiasis Amoebiasis is a disease of the large intestine resulting from infection with the protozoan entamoeba histolytica
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第二节伤寒 第三节细菌性痢疾 第七节性传播疾病
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Diseases of female genital system Cervix diseases Breast diseases Gestational trophoblastic diseases
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泌尿系统疾病讲授内容 第一节肾小球肾炎 第二节肾盂肾炎 第三节肾和膀胱常见肿瘤
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吉林大学基础医学院(白求恩医学院):《病理学》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)炎症 Inflammation(主讲:李伟)
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局部组织血管内血液含量的增多 A local increased volume of blood in a particular tissue
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