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This is a bit strange, because previously our figure of merit when comparing one state-space model to another(page 8-8)was whether they reproduced the same same transfer function Now we have two very different models that result in the same transfer function
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State-Space Systems What are the basic properties of a state-space model, and how do we analyze these? e Time Domain Interpretations System Modes Copyright 2001 by Jonathan How
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文档格式:PPT 文档大小:1.28MB 文档页数:56
1.1 自动化及仪表发展概述 1.2 自动控制系统 1.3 控制系统过渡过程及品质指标
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第一节 生理学的研究对象和任务 第二节 机体的内环境 第三节 生理功能的调节 第四节 体内的控制系统
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第一节 生理学的研究对象和任务 第二节 机体的内环境与稳态 第三节 机体生理功能的调节 第四节 体内的控制系统
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第1节需求管理( Demand Management) 1.1需求管理的重要性 1.2生产运作管理的计划与控制系统
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Topic 8 16.31 Feedback Control State-Space Systems What are state-space models? Why should we use them? How are they related to the transfer functions used in classical control design and how do we develop a state- space model?
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1.1 自动化及仪表发展概述 1.2 自动控制系统 1.3 控制系统过渡过程及品质指标
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