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肠道病毒是一大群寄居于人消化道细胞内增殖的病毒。 特点: 1.病毒体呈球形,衣壳为20面体立体对称,无包膜。 2.核心为单股正链RNA,具有感染性。 3.在宿主细胞浆内增殖,有较强的杀细胞作用。 4.耐乙醚和酸,较耐热
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呼吸道病毒感染 90~95%流感是由病毒引起。病毒侵犯上、下呼吸道粘膜并在其 中增殖,破坏局部纤毛上皮、纤毛 运动停止,产生各种呼吸道症状, 易继发细菌感染
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细菌对宿主能引起疾病的性能称为致病性。 一、细菌的致病性 细菌的致病性是针对确定的宿主而言。细菌的致病性包括细菌对宿主引 起疾病的性能和对宿主致病能力大小两个方面的含义。病原菌的致病性与其 本身的毒力、侵入数量和侵入途径有着密切的关系
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一、实验目的 1.验证细菌在外界环境和正常人体的分布,树立严格的无菌与无菌操作 的观念。 2.认识常用的消毒灭菌器,并掌握常用消毒灭菌器及滤菌器的使用方法
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lure can have dire consequences. Nude Mouse (nu/nu) elf and begins to attack hich is Primary Immunodeficiencies AIDS and Other Acquired or Secondary Immunodeficiencies at birth differentiated from immunodeficiencies in which the non- specific mediators of innate immunity, such as phagocytes or ed. Immunodeficiencies are conve- by the type or the developmental stage of overall cellular de g the locations of prevennon stra
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细菌与其他生物细胞一样,不断从外界环境中获得营养,合成自身细胞 成分并获得能量,同时不断排除废物,完成新陈代谢,得以生长繁殖
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the early vaccination trials of Edward Jenner and oneering efforts, vac nce of diseases such ng cougl Vaccination with DN A Active and Passive Immunization Designing Vaccines for Active Immunization mWhole-Organism Vaccines Purified Macromolecules as Vaccines Recombinant-Vector Vaccines DNA Vaccines Multivalent Subunit Vaccines mmon usage. Experience has shown that not every vaccine
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susceptible host, a series of coordinated events must rcumvent both innate and adaptive immunity. One of the first and most important features of host innate immunity is the barrier provided by the epithelial surfaces of the skin and the lining of the gut. The difficulty of penetrat- ing these epithelial barriers ensures that most pathogens never gain productive entry into the host. In addition to pro viding a physical barrier to infection, the epithelia also pro duce chemicals that are useful in
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雄虫 虫体细小,虫体后端稍粗,咽管长约占体长的1/3-12, 咽管开始为毛细管形,然后膨大,之后又复变成毛细管状。 雄虫比雌虫小,雄虫尾端具一对交配附器,无交合刺。雌虫 尾部钝圆,阴门开口于虫体的前15处
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• 简介 • MHC的发现 • MHC 基因结构 • MHC 的多基因性和多态性 • MHC分子及与抗原肽的结合 • 非经典 MHC 分子 • HLA与疾病的关系
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