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Continuity Conditions at The Interface Potential Energy Forces on Conductors In The Presence Of Dielectrics Forces On Dielectrics Displacement Current Frequency and Temperature Dependence, Anisotropy
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.Unsteady, aperiodic motion in which all three velocity components fluctuate→ mixing matter, momentum, and energy. Decompose velocity into mean and fluctuating parts:
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Forces on a Wire Carrying a Current in a Magnetic Field Magnetic Pressure Magnetic Energy Denisity Magnetic Forces btwn Two Electric Currents Magnetic Forces Within an Isolated Circuit
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This chapter will explain the origin of the spontaneity of physical and chemical change. Two simple processes are examined. It shows that a property, the entropy can be defined, measured, and used to discuss spontaneous changes quantitatively. This chapter also introduces a major subsidiary thermodynamic property, the Gibbs energy
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The First Law: the machinery In this chapter we begin to unfold some of the power of thermodynamics by showing how to establish relations between different properties of a system. The procedure we use is based on the experimental fact that the internal energy and the enthalpy are state functions. and we derive a number of relations between observables by exploring the mathematical consequences of these facts
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