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Part I Vocabulary& Structure(20%) Section A 1. IfI _you, I would not do it. A.was B.am C.were D. be
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())/0=),6()/+2g= edrhugdr)/2M),oxdx) o: Elex Enwk'< uz=x), a(z qurgdiea= uuv y= adwvopu)z(o j): ac=2 Ghwceo(udo: 2M( Hw(uy 0: w cloks rE o Chu Tnr(i b)iwgiffadu cu wa rdo h ouno pk- which wite pexy a ca)=dre halfan a)+x=gub)whwxppdpxiv z=ioy u)udre Wwv ay co)(igad )o)a)i o u v( wh
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1、某水泵以转速n为3600r/min旋转时,相对应的扬程H为128m,流量qV为1.23m3/min, 为满足该流量,拟采用比转数ns为85~133范围的单吸多级泵,试确定所用泵叶轮的级数i? 答案:解:试用2级时,i1=2,比转速
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元素周期表中第 I 族碱金属元素(Li、Na、K、Rb、Cs)与第 VII 族的卤素元素(F、Cl、Br、I)化 合物(如 NaCl, CsCl,晶体结构如图 XCH001_009_01 和 XCH001_010 所示)所组成的晶体是典 型的离子晶体,半导体材料如 CdS、ZnS 等亦可以看成是离子晶体
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“If I had to reduce all educational psychology just one principle, I would say this: The most important single factor influencing learning is what the learner already knows. Ascertain this and teach him accordingly
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Part I Vocabulary Structure(20%) Section a I. Ben was quite stubborn and it was almost impossible to him of his mistakes B. recognize C. forget D. convince
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Revision: I. Expressions Directions: Turn the following English terms into Chinese without looking at your textbook I. sale by sample 2. G M.Q 3. sale by
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设V是复线性空间.V×V上的一个函数,如果满足 (i)(·,·)对第一个变量是线性的 (i)(a,B)=(B (ii1)ya∈V,(a,a)≥0,且(a,a)=0分a=0 则称(a,B)为向量a,B的内积,具有内积的复线性空间称为酉空间(欧氏空间在复线性 空间上的推广)
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Task Team of FUNDAMENTAL ACCOUntING hool of Business, Sun Y at-sen University Lesson 13 Managerial Accounting I: Concepts and Principles Self-Test I. True and False Questions Managerial accounting places less emphasis on precision and more emphasis on flexibility
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ynamic order statistics OS-SELECT(i, S): returns the i th smallest element in the dynamic set S. OS-RANK(, S): returns the rank ofx E S in the sorted order of s s elements IDEA: Use a red-black tree for the set S, but keep subtree sizes in the nodes
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