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A conditional sentence (or \conditional\ for short) is commonly composed of two parts: conditional clause main clause. Despite the many possible sequences of verb forms in conditionals, the following four types represent perhaps the commonest and the most useful ones:
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5.1 Reversible Binding of a Protein to a Ligan proteins interact with other molecules and how their in- Oxygen-Binding Proteins 158 orotein structure. The 5.2 Complement protein's func- and Ligands: The Immune Immunoglobulins 174 5.3 Protein Interactions Modulated by Actin, Myosin, and
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1 Definition Subordination means putting a grammatical unit in a lower rank or position. A grammatical unit that functions as a constituent of another unit of equal or lower rank of structure is called subordinate constructi, which might
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分句(Clause)是建立在词组基础上的语法单位。 所谓分句就是“主语(Subject)+谓语 (Predicate)”的语法构造。这就是说,并不是 任何一串词组都可以成为分句,只有当这些词 组结合成为“主语+谓语”的结构时,这才算是 分句。比如下面这一连串词组 the tale, three legs in the room并不能说明什么,因为它们没有结成 主谓关系,因而不是分句
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Lecture 28: Substitution and Ellipsis 1 Substitution 1.1 Definition Substitution is a grammatical device for avoiding repetition and achieving textual cohesion. There are three kinds of substitution: nominal substitution, verbal substitution, and clausal substitution, and therefore there are three kinds of substitutes: nominal substitutes, verbal substitutes, and clausal substitutes. In addition, there are adverbial substitution and adverbial substitutes
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Normal Puerperium Definition The time from the delivery of the placenta through the first few weeks after the delivery. 6 weeks in duration. By weeks after delivery, most of the changes of pregnancy, labor, and delivery have resolved and the body has reverted to the nonpregnant state
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Normal Pregnancy Pregnand The course that the embryo and the fetus grow in the maternal body Stages f pregnancy Early pregnancy: $12 weeks Mid pregnancy:≥13 weeks,≤27 weeks Late pregnancy: 228 weeks Term pregnancy:≥37 weeks,<42 weeks
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General Consideration Antenatal cardiovascular changes Blood volume increase by 40%-60%0 Peaking at 32-34 weeks the expansion in plasma volume is greater than that expansion of red cell mass Cardiac output Increase by 40%6-50% Peaking at 20-24 weeks
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Definition of AFE AFE is rare obstetric emergenc in which amniotic fluid, fetal cells, hair, or other debris enter the maternal circulation, causing cardiorespiratory collapse
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胎盘早剥 Obstetrics is\bloody business Even though the maternal mortality rate has been reduced dramatically by hospitalization for delivery and the availability of blood for transfusion, death from hemorrhage remains prominent in the majority reports From willams obstetrics
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