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溶剂效应对亲核取代反应所起的作用,不仅是重要 的,而且是复杂的,主要是通过影响过渡态的稳定性从 而影响反应活化能,以达到影响反应速率。 绝大部分S1反应是由中性分子离解成带电荷的离子 ,过渡态的电荷比反应物有所增加。溶剂极性增加,使过渡态的能量降低,从而降低反应的活化能,使反应加 速
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S2反应理想的过渡态,具有五配位中心碳原子上 的三角双锥几何形状,空间因素对反应有显著影响: 显然,反应中心碳原子上烷基数目越多,烷基体 积越大,过渡态的中心碳原子周围的拥挤程度就越严 重,必然会显著地降低反应速率。对于S2历程的反应 ,a或B碳上有分支、空间位阻愈大,都使反应速率 减慢
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实验一 混凝实验 实验二 化学氧化法处理有机废水实验 实验三 水污染控制模拟实验 实验四 活性污泥评价指标实验 实验五 曝气设备充氧能力实验 实验六 活性炭吸附实验
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芳香族硝基化合物的物理和化学性质 胺的分类、命名 胺的物性 胺的化学性质 碱性、酰基化、与亚硝酸反应 重氮化合物的性质 第一节 硝基化合物 第二节 胺类 第三节 重氮化合物和偶氮化合物
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实验一 常压蒸馏及沸点的测定 实验二 熔点的测定 实验三 重结晶 实验四 薄层色谱分离法 实验五 正溴丁烷的制备 实验六 从茶叶中提取咖啡因
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X-Ray diffraction is an important and powerful tool for determining the solid state structure of compounds. Modern advances have made data collection and structure solution almost routine for many small molecules To use this technique, however, good quality single crystals are still needed. In this exercise you will experiment with the art of growing single crystals
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described in these matorials arc potentinlly hazandous and require a high levd ofsafety training spccial facilitics and equip mant, and supervision by approp iate individuals. You bea the sole responsibility, lisbility, and risk for the implamnentation of such safcty procedures and mcasures. MIT shall have no respongibility, liability, or risk for the content or implementationc any of the material presanted. Legal Notices
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6.1 确定分子量和元素组成式 6.1.1 由EI谱确定分子量 6.1.2 由ESI谱多电荷离子峰簇求分子量 6.1.3 解析软电离的谱图得到分子量 6.1.5 峰匹配法(peak matching) 6.1.6 用低分辨质谱数据推测未知物元素组成
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described in these materials are potentially hazardous and require a high lcvel ofsafity training special facilitics and equipment, and supavision by approprinte duals. You bear the sol responsiblity, liability, and risk for the impkemcntation of such safety procedures and measures. MiT shall have no responsibility, liability, ar risk for the content ar implem of ay of the matcrial presented. Legal Notices
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Chemists use spectroscopy (Ir, UV-Vis, NMR) to determine molecular structure. spectroscopy: technique that measures the amount of radiation a substance absorbs at various wavelengths(based on the quantization of molecular energy levels Molecules exist in quantized energy states (rotational, vibrational, and electronic quantum states) Molecules absorb discrete amounts of energy(ae)and are excited to higher
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