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12.1 Introduction 12.2 Using the State of the System to Determine Stability 12.3 Lyapunov Stability Theory Ferenc Szidarovszky 12.4 Stability of Time-Invariant Linear Systems University of Arizona
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Transfer Functions of Filters 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Ideal Filters 10.3 The Ideal Linear-Phase Low-Pass Filter Richard C. Dorf
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8.1 Introduction 8.2 Properties of the z-Transform Linearity. Translation. Convolution. Multiplication by a\. Time Reversal Richard. Dorf 8.3 Unilateral z-Transform University of California, Davis
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6.1 Definitions and Properties Richard C. Dorf Laplace Transform Integral. Region of Absolute University of California, Davis Convergence Properties of Laplace Transform.Time-Convolution Property Time-Correlation Property Inverse Laplace Transform
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4.1 Introduction Laplace Transform. Transfer Functions 4.2 Low-Pass Filter Functions Thomson Functions.Chebyshev Functions 4.3L ow- w-Pass Filters Introduction. Butterworth Filters.Thomson Filters.Chebyshev
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2.1 Step, Impulse, Ramp, Sinusoidal, Exponential,and University of California, Davis DC Signals Zhen Wan Step Function. The Impulse. Ramp Function.Sinusoidal FunctionDCSignal University of California, Davis 2.2 Ideal and Practical Sources Clayton R. Paul Ideal Sources. Practical Sources University of Kentucky, Lexington 2.3 Controlled Sources What Are Controlled Sources? What Is the Significance of J. R. Cogdell
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20.1 Definitions and Scope Introduction. Definitions and Style of Computation. ANN Types and Applications 20.2 Multilayer Perceptrons Function of Each PE. How to Train MLPs Applying Back- Propagation in Practice. A Posteriori Probabilities 20.3 Radial Basis Function Networks 20.4 Time Lagged Networks Memory Structures. Training-Focused TLN Architectures
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7.1概述 7.2MCS-51的串行口 7.3串行口的控制
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1.傅立叶变换的模与相位。 2.LTI系统的幅频特性与相频特性,系统的失真。 3.系统的不失真传输条件。 4.理想滤波器的频域、时域特性及其不可实现性。 5.非理想滤波器的特性及其逼近方式。 6.一阶与二阶系统的分析方法,Bode图
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1.C、L的VCR uc(、(不跳变(跃变), 动态电路需要先求取初始值 2.三要素法 换路定则的应用, 三要素公式适用于全响应,零状态响应 和零输入响应
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