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COPYRIGHT 1998-2002 by The Math Works, Inc. The software described in this document is fur d under a license agreement. The software may be used or copied only under the terms of the license agreement. No part of this manual may be photocopied or repro- duced in any form The Math Works, Inc. FEDERAL ACQUISITI
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Natick, MA 01760-2098 For contact information about worldwide offices, see the Math Works Web site. Using MATLAB Graphics COPYRIGHT 1984-2002 by The Math Works, Inc. The software described in this document is furnished under license agreement. The software may be used or copied only under the terms of the license agreement- No of this manual may be photocopied or repro-
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一、1、亭;2、内务部;3、野庐氏;4、《唐律》 二、1、C:2、C;3、A 三、1、(1)大规模增加警力,提高警察部门对社会的控制力;
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1.简述图1所示的降压斩波电路的工作原理。 2.在图1所示的降压斩波电路中,已知E=200V,R=10,L值极大,E=30V。采用脉宽调制控制方式,当T=50us,ton=20us时,计算输出电压平均值U、输出电流平均值
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Chapter3 Integral Relations(积分关系式) for a Control Volume in One-dimensional Steady Flows 3.1 Systems(体系) versus Control Volumes(控制体) System: an arbitrary quantity of mass of fixed identity. Everything external to this system is denoted by the term surroundings, and the system is separated from its surroundings by it's boundaries through which no mass
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1、平版印刷的基本模式、特点 2、水墨平衡理论 3、油墨乳化 4、润湿液的组分、作用、用量控制
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11.1区域物流系统规划概述 11.1.1区域物流系统的内涵 1.区域与区域物流 为了方便研究物流系统构筑和对物流活动进行调节与控制,可以将区域表述为,描述、分析、规划、运营、管理或制定法规、政策等来说,是一个地域的统一体。区域物流表述为:在一定区域规划和构筑促进社会经济最佳战略实现的物流系统,及其与物流运营与监控等有关的活动体系
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◼ 基本概念 ◼ I/O端口的编址 ◼ 输入输出的基本方法:无条件、查询、中断、DMA ◼ 中断 ◼ 中断基本概念 ◼ 8086/8088中断系统 ◼ 8259中断控制器* ◼ DMA* ◼ DMA的基本概念 ◼ DMA工作过程 ◼ DMA的三种传输方式
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