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安徽科技学院:《大学英语读写》课程教学资源(试卷习题)二级单元测试(一)College English Test 2(Band 2)(Units 3 & 4)
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:249.83KB 文档页数:4
复旦大学:《涉外护理英语情境对话 Professional English for Nurses:Scene Dialogue》教学资源_情境模拟:Chapter 4 Unit 2 Dialogue 1 Patient Placement
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:289.45KB 文档页数:6
复旦大学:《涉外护理英语情境对话 Professional English for Nurses:Scene Dialogue》教学资源_情境模拟:Chapter 4 Unit 1 Dialogue 3 Insulin Therapy
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:286.18KB 文档页数:6
复旦大学:《涉外护理英语情境对话 Professional English for Nurses:Scene Dialogue》教学资源_情境模拟:Chapter 4 Unit 3 Dialogue 2 Gynecologic Exam
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1 conjecture 2 definition 3 quality 4 policy
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:181.58KB 文档页数:5
复旦大学:《涉外护理英语情境对话 Professional English for Nurses:Scene Dialogue》教学资源_专业词汇测试2:Chapter3-4
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复旦大学:《涉外护理英语情境对话 Professional English for Nurses:Scene Dialogue》教学资源_专业词汇测试2:Chapter3-4
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:1.92MB 文档页数:100
1. I saw Simon shortly before his departure for Russia. 2. His parents will depart for Hawaii tomorrow from Heathrow airport
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1 Lead in 2 Theory: Parataxis 3 Theory: Hypotaxis 4 Samples and Assignments
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Unit 1 Growing Up Unit 2 Friendship Unit3 Understanding Science Unit 4 American Dream Unit 5 Romance Unit 6 Animal Intelligence Unit 7 Emergency Unit 8 Coping with an Educational Problem
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