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• Study the contents of a good security plan • Learn to plan for business continuity and responding to incidents • Outline the steps and best practices of risk analysis • Learn to prepare for natural and human-caused disasters
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:247KB 文档页数:41
8.1局域网概述 8.2互联网技术 8.3网络管理与网络安全
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本章将介绍计算机网络安全、防火墙的概念以及网络管理的协议和功能;重点讲述网络防火墙技术和网络管理技术。 9.1 计算机网络安全和防火墙技术 9.2 网络管理
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公钥密码体制的简介 背包问题 RSA算法 ElGamal算法 ECC算法 IBE算法
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安徽理工大学:《网络与信息安全 Network and Information Security》课程教学资源(课件讲稿)Part 2 Cryptography and its Applications 2-3 Hash and Message Authentication Code
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《网络与系统安全》教学参考文献:An adaptive trust model based on recommendation filtering algorithm for the Internet of Things systems
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《网络与系统安全》教学参考文献:Automatic Generation of Capability Leaks’ Exploits for Android Applications
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《网络与系统安全》教学参考文献:Adaptive Random Testing for XSS Vulnerability
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安徽理工大学:《网络与信息安全 Network and Information Security》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)Part 1 Introduction to Network & Information Security Section 1-3 the objectives of network and info security
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