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Gene mutation and evolution Gradual accumulation of mutations over long periods of time results in new biological species, each with a unique DNA sequence. Mutations and stabilization of mutations to new species. Charles Darwin: Unifying evolution theory-the origin of species from a common ancestor
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RNA polymerase transcribes genes How is this process regulated? How is specificity achieved? Key players transcriptional activator proteins -bind to specific sites on DNA and turn on the expression of nearby genes. Two adhesive surfaces one binds DNA, the other interacts with, and recruits RNA polymerase
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第一节 DNA的提取与纯化 第二节 核酸凝胶电泳技术 第三节 核酸的分子杂交 第四节 基因扩增技术——PCR 第五节 DNA序列分析
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9.1基因是什么 9.2DNA的半保留复制 9.3RNA的组成和作用 9.4转录 9.5遗传密码的破译 9.6蛋白质的合成 9.7人类基因组计划
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How does it work? Ofloxacin belongs to a group of broad spectrum antibiotics called the quinolones. It works by entering the bacterial cell and inhibiting a chemical called DNA-gyrase which is involved in the production of genetic material (DNA). This therefore prevents the bacteria from reproducing
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11.1重组DNA技术是基因工程的核心技术 11.2获得需要的目的基因(外源基因) 11.3构建重组质粒和基因克隆 11.4转化受体细胞和转化子的筛选 11.5转化子的分析 Southern杂交
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一.是非题(共10分。只需注明“对”或“错”) 1.大多数嗜热菌的G-C含量高于中温菌。 2.大肠杆菌属低等原核生物,所以其遗传物质只是一条松散的环状双链DNA,不存在DNA高级结构
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16.1 Introduction 16.2 The retrovirus life cycle involves transposition-like events 16.3 Retroviral genes codes for polyproteins 16.4 Viral DNA is generated by reverse transcription 16.5 Viral DNA integrates into the chromosome 16.6 Retroviruses may transduce cellular sequences 16.7 Yeast Ty elements resemble retroviruses 16.8 Many transposable elements reside in D. melanogaster 16.9 Retroposons fall into two classes 16.10 The Alu family has many widely dispersed members
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21.1 Introduction 21.2 Response elements identify genes under common regulation 21.3 There are many types of DNA-binding domains 21.4 A zinc finger motif is a DNA-binding domain 21.5 Steroid receptors are transcription factors 21.6 Steroid receptors have zinc fingers 21.7 Binding to the response element is activated by ligand-binding 21.8 Steroid receptors recognize response elements by a combinatorial code
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19.1 Introduction 19.2 The nucleosome is the subunit of all chromatin 19.3 DNA is coiled in arrays of nucleosomes 19.4 Nucleosomes have a common structure 19.5 DNA structure varies on the nucleosomal surface
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