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隐马尔科夫模型的定义 HMM模型的三个基本问题 EM算法 前向后向算法 鲍姆-韦尔奇算法 维比特算法
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电子科技大学:《数据分析与数据挖掘 Data Analysis and Data Mining》课程教学资源(课件讲稿)量子降维算法
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 3.1 Learning Problems  3.2 The least square method (LSM)  3.3 Linear regression analysis  1 Simple Linear Regression  2 Multiple Regression  3 Understanding the Regression Output  4 Coefficient of Determination R2  5 Validating the Regression Model
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电子科技大学:《数据分析与数据挖掘 Data Analysis and Data Mining》课程教学资源(课件讲稿)Lecture 04 Association Rules of Data Reasoning(FP-growth Algorithm)
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1. 目的和要求 2. 安全防护 3. 实验测量误差 4. 实验数据的表达 5. 计算机处理数据和作图
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 1 使用 Excel  2 创建表格  3 工作表的编辑和格式化  4 创建图表  5 Excel 的数据处理  6 建立和编辑数据透视表  7 页面设置和打印  8 公式函数的进阶使用  9 使用宏使日常操作自动化
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 6.1 Basic Concepts  6.2 Decision Tree Induction  6.3 Bayes Classification Methods  6.4 Rule-Based Classification  6.5 Model Evaluation and Selection  6.6 Techniques to Improve Classification Accuracy
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 5.1 Introduction of clustering analysis  5.2 Similarity calculation  5.3 Overview of basic clustering techniques  5.4 Partitioning method  5.5 Hierarchical method  5.6 Clustering based on density and grid  5.7 Clustering based on models  5.8 Outlier analysis
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 4.1 The basic concept of association rules  4.2 Low-dimensional binary association rules  4.3 Multi-level association rules  4.4 Multidimensional association rules  4.5 The Affinity analysis based on the association mining
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电子科技大学:《数据分析与数据挖掘 Data Analysis and Data Mining》课程教学资源(课件讲稿)Lecture 04 Association Rules of Data Reasoning(Apriori Algorithm、Improve of Apriori Algorithm)
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