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1.1光电系统描述 1.2光接收机视场 1.3光电探测器的物理效应 1.4光电转换定律和光电子计数统计 1.5光电探测器性能参数 1.6光电探测器的噪声 1.7幅度学与光度学 1.8背景辐射 1.9探测器光谱响应率函数的测试方法
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护理心理学 基础护理学 健康评估 内科护理学 儿科护理学 妇产科护理学 中医护理学基础 护理学导论 中医学概论 护理科研与统计 护理伦理学 中医临床护理学
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§1 假设检验的概念与步骤 §2 一个正态总体的假设检验 §3 两个正态总体的假设检验
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第一章 生物信息学的概念及发展历史 第二章 生物学数据库及其检索 第三章 序列比对原理 第四章 蛋白质结构预测与分析 第五章 基因组学 第六章 转录组学 第七章 非编码RNA 第八章 蛋白质组学 第九章 系统生物学 第十章 合成生物学 第十一章 分子进化与系统发育 第十二章 统计学习与推理 第十三章 生物信息学编程基础 第十四章 新一代测序技术及其应用
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《高等数学 A》 《高等数学 B》 《线性代数》 《概率论与数理统计》 (修订) 《复变函数与积分变换》 《运筹学》 《画法几何与机械制图》 《工程制图》 《大学物理》
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To describe the properties of central tendency, variation and shape in numerical data To calculate descriptive summary measures for a population To construct and interpret a box-and-whisker plot To describe the covariance and coefficient of correlation as a measure of the strength of the relationship between two numerical variables
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 Formulate null (H0) and alternative hypotheses (H1) for applications involving one sample population mean or proportion  Formulate a decision rule for testing a hypothesis  Know how to use the critical value and p-value approaches to test the null hypothesis (for both mean and proportion problems)  Know what Type I and Type II errors are
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 Test hypotheses for the difference between two independent population means (standard deviations known or unknown)  Test two means from related samples for the mean difference  Complete a Z test for the difference between two proportions  Use the F table to find critical F values  Complete an F test for the difference between two variances
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 Recognize situations in which to use analysis of variance  Understand different analysis of variance designs  Perform a single-factor hypothesis test and interpret results  Conduct and interpret post-hoc multiple comparisons procedures  Analyze two-factor analysis of variance tests
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To use regression analysis to predict the value of a dependent variable based on an independent variable The meaning of the regression coefficients bo and b . To evaluate the assumptions of regression analysis and know what to do if the assumptions are violated . To make inferences about the slope and correlation coefficient . To estimate mean values and predict individual values
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