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(1)掌握细胞膜物质转运功能:单纯扩散; (2)熟悉液态镶嵌模型,入胞、出胞作用; (3)了解单位膜基本结构和分子组成; (4)了解载体、通道和离子泵的概念
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Incidence Heart disease complicates about 1 percent of pregnancies. Component congenital heart disease rheumatic heart disease hypertensive heart disease other varieties (inclued: pregnancy-induced hypertension
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Topics toda Normal puerperium Diseases of puerperium Gestational trophoblastic diseases, gtd
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Synonyms leiomyoma of uterus leiomyomas fibromyomas myofibromas fibroids fibromas myomas
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一、常用细菌培养基制备 二、质粒 DNA 的提取 三、病毒组织培养技术
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INFERTILITY Infertility affects1 15% of reproductive age couples. Infertility is defined as a couple's failure to conceive following 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse. reproductive age
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性传播性疾病 一、指通过性行为或类似性行为传染的一组传染病。 二、我国需传报的有8种。 1 淋病、艾滋病、梅毒。 2 非淋菌性尿道炎、尖锐湿疣、软下疳、性病性肉芽肿、生殖器疱疹
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Bony pelvis Sacrum(骶骨 CHAPTER 3 Embryology. Anatomy, and Reproductive Genetics Sacroiliac joint Anterior superior iliac spine Coccyx(尾骨 Greater sciatic foramen Inguinal ligament Linea terminalis Ischial spine Lesser sciatic foramen Coxae(髋骨 Sacral foramen Obturator foramen Obturator membrane
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定义 一、受精卵着床于子宫体腔内膜外任何部位。 二、与习称宫外孕( extrauterine pregnancy)有区别
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