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教学目标或要求:了解电环化反应,环加成反应, σ迁移反应。重点掌握周环反应的理论及有关反应机理
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第一节 烷烃的同系列和异构 第二节 烷烃的命名 第三节 烷烃的构象 第四节 烷烃的物理性质 第五节 烷烃的反应 第六节 烷烃的氯化 第七节 烷烃的来源和用途
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Valence & Hybridization The number of atoms which are typically bonded to a given atom is termed the valence of that atom. Thus, in the examples shown below, hydrogen would have a valence of one, oxygen would have a valence of two, nitrogen and boron would have a valence of three
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教学目标或要求:了解卤代烃分类,命名及同分异构现象。了解卤代烃的亲核取代反应历程及其制备。重点掌握卤代烃的亲核取代反应历程(SN1 和 SN2)
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一、 请严格按表中要求如实填写各项。 二、 申报表文本中外文名词第一次出现时,要写清全称和缩写,再次出现同一词时可以使用缩写
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① 学习由醇制备卤代烃的原理和方法 ② 练习带有吸收有害气体装置的回流加热操作 ③ 学习液液萃取的原理及分液漏斗的使用方法
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Chapter 6 Ionic Reactions--- Nucleophilic substitution and elimination reactions of alkylhalides (卤代烃的亲核取代反 Because halogen atoms are more electronegative 应和消除反应) than carbon, the carbon-halogen bond of alkyl halides is polarized; the carbon atom bears a partial positive charge, the halogen atom a partial negative charge
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In common nomenclature most primary amines are named as alkylamines. In systematic nomenclature they are named by adding the suffix –amine to the name of the chain or ring system to which the NH2 group is attached with elision of the final e Primary Amines;
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